Category Words of life

I will sing to the Lord.

In fact, even though it is not possible to establish an exact chronological point for identifying the date of Mary’s birth, the Church has constantly been aware that Mary appeared on the horizon of salvation history before Christ. It is a fact that when “the fullness of time” was definitively drawing near-the saving advent of ... Read more...

reap with shouts of joy!

sainte Monique

Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Its daily life had its share of burdens and even nightmares, as when they met with Herod’s implacable violence. This last was an experience that, sad to say, continues to afflict the many refugee families who in our day feel rejected and ... Read more...

and the king will desire your beauty.

The Council emphasizes that the Mother of God is already the eschatological fulfillment of the Church: “In the most holy Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle (cf. Eph. 5:27)”; and at the same time the Council says that “the followers of Christ still strive to increase ... Read more...

is love.

Béni soit Dieu le Père, et le Fils Unique de Dieu ainsi que le Saint Esprit, car il nous a traité avec amour. Liturgie antienne d’ouverture de la messe de la Sainte trinité Read more...

Esprit Saint

Veni, Sancte Spiritus:  Come, Holy Spirit, kindle in the hearts of your faithful the fire of your love! Sancte Spiritus, veni! Read more...

near to the throne of grace, …

It is in the mystery of the Cross that the overwhelming power of the Heavenly Father’s mercy is revealed in all of its fullness. MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI FOR LENT 2007 Read more...

they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy;

they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy;

The wise men point out to us the path of our journey through life. They sought the true Light. As a liturgical hymn of Epiphany which speaks of their experience puts it: “Lumen requirunt lumine”; by following a light, they sought the light, “Lumen requirunt lumine”. They set out in search of God. Having seen ... Read more...