…from the wells of salvation.

2015_06_12_parole_de_vieO Jesus Good Shepherd who came only to look and save what was lost,
O Jesus Good Shepherd who know in particular each of your ewes,
O Jesus Good Shepherd who are also known and liked by your ewes,
O Jesus Good Shepherd who walk in front of your ewes to go(take) up to them the safest(surest) path(way) and encourage them to follow you,
O Jesus Good Shepherd which(who) let your ewes stop at the source of your graces and cool there,
O Jesus Good Shepherd who make find in your tired ewes a delicious rest in the shade of the cross,

O Jesus Good Shepherd who charge on your shoulders and bring back the found ewe,

Extracted from litanies of the Sacred Heart of Lord Colmar, bishop of Mainz ( 1807 )




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